Friday, July 4th marks a spectacular line-up, with FABRIC guests including Drop The Lime, Switch, Toddla T, Get Familiar and more!
Press play below to listen to DTL's latest set from FABRICLIVE.:
Posted by
The Beeb
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Labels: club nights, dj set, drop the lime, fabriclive., get familiar, listen, live set, london, nyc bass heavy champion, stream, switch, toddla t
Posted by
The Beeb
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Labels: air, au revoir simone, canada, fallen snow, french, indie, jean-benoit, montag, remixed, remixes, the bird of music, the teenagers
"He's trippin if he thinks anyone is going to read that whole thing."
Posted by
The Beeb
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Labels: beeb blog, cocaine, crazy for you, drugs, kanye
Posted by
The Beeb
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Labels: chromeo, dance, data, electro, electronic, felix da housecat, france, french, indie, m83, music, pacific, rapture, tepr
"This first photo in my new (open) relationship with The Beeb Blog comes straight from a Stockholm midsommar party. In Sweden, even if you're two hours away from civilization on some island named after children, it's important to look your best. A few hours later, this midsommar party became exactly what you'd expect from the Swedes. A lot of pickled herring, drunken dancing around a big pole, and sex in the bushes. Sanna here only engaged in two of these though. I think."
Tune in next week for more from Darryl, or visit him HERE.
Posted by
The Beeb
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Labels: beeb blog, blog, clothing, darryl, designer, fashion, models photos, street fashion, streetclash, sweden, vintage
Posted by
The Beeb
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Labels: country, dina lohan, download, drugs, ego-trippin, everlast, every video game ever, house of pain, marijauna, pot, snoop, songs, songs about dancing and drugs, whitey ford, willie nelson
Posted by
The Beeb
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Labels: 8-bit, Circlesquare, computers, geeking out, radiohead, remix contest, video
EXPAND POST/READ MORE"I thought it would be fun telling the story backwards," explained Olson. "You'll notice that each time the villain appears, he seems to be gaining weapons instead of losing them. That was an intentional nod to Chris Nolan's film."
Posted by
The Beeb
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Labels: batman, cartoon, chris nolan, comic book, film, geeking out, gotham knight, japanese, japanime, memento, movies
Posted by
The Beeb
Monday, June 16, 2008
Labels: canada, canadian, father's day, heidi and spencer, much music, muchmusic, new kids on the block, NKOTB, step by step, the hills
-----------------------------------------------------------------Your remix for One Hand Loves The Other:
There is a band who we wouldn't have expected to have liked, but then they offer remixes from the like of Sta and yourself, and we're suddenly hooked. Smart. How did this come about?They are based out of Atlanta so we got introduced to each other and they asked me for a remix. I did a remix of their song, "Don't Know". They loved it and asked for another, so I did another. Both can be found on their remix album titled One Hand Loves The Remix.What is it usually that inspires you initially to want to remix and artist or band, or remix their songs and then put your spin on things?For remixes, I just get approached by a label or artist's manager to do one for them. If I personally hear something that inspires me, I usually just use that energy to make up a new original tune, ether sampling the old track, or just trying to recreate the vibe of the original track. I do a lot of edits on my own to have for DJing purposes, but they are usually minor changes, either just restructuring the track or adding extra drums or whatever I feel it needs.Where does the name Treasure Fingers originate? --And be honest!I'm not at liberty to disclose this information publicly... ;)
You're a busy touring DJ, now with Fool's Gold, what has been your craziest show yet? And paint that picture for us if you will..Probably any of our 'F*CK YESSS!' nights that I do with Le Castlevania in Atlanta. It's an 18+ monthly party every first Thursday. It just gets completely out of control, it hits capacity within an hour of the door opening, the stage is always rammed, turntables getting knocked around, crowd surfing, overall just a really hype crowd.
And would you please describe the greatest venue you ever played in for those of us that can only imagine?Temple in San Francisco is really crazy. For one it's a super nice posh type club, but they have all these other private floors that aren't open to the public with tons of statues, weird walkways, secret chambers, it's a trip. The other club would be this club in Budapest, but I can't remember the name of it. It was just massive complete with pyrotechnics on both sides of the DJ booth, vampire girls swinging over the crowd, vampire go go dancers up on columns, and the night I played there was a Hungarian Playboy party going on in the other room of the club. Pretty wild.So who has been alot of fun to play with in the past? Any favorites in particular?It's fun to play with the other Fools Gold fam, Klever, Craze, or anyone else I'm good friends with. I'm usually too busy to hang out with friends during the day, so hanging out with some good friends in the club always makes the night a little better.Okay so, risking hearing something we might not want to hear, do you see blogs benefiting artists in anyway at the moment, what with the music industry changing the way it is?It's good and bad, obviously. I think it's good early on to help build up a new artist, but could later cut into sales pretty drastically for established artists. I think as long as blogs play by the rules and only post approved mp3s, it's a really good thing for everyone. I've seen some blogs post entire albums without permission, which is really disrespectful to artists, labels and everyone else involved in the music industry.Which artists do you think we should look out for in the near future?Designer Drugs, Kill The Noise, Shazam, Louis La Roche, & Computer Club.Who are your top three producers from your standpoint, at this very moment?Laidback Luke, Miami Horror, RogerseventytwoWhat has been one of the most idiotic request you've been requested to play by someone?"Could you play something like Beyonce, but with a dance beat?" or "DRUM & BASS!!!" errrrr you're at the wrong show dude.And finally, if you could DJ at any place, land, time, or space, where would it be --and what would you play?I think I'd go back in time to the early 80s. Probably one of the classic spots; Paradise Garage, The Warehouse or Studio 54, playing disco funk of course :)
Posted by
The Beeb
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Labels: article, ernold sane, interview, kill the noise, le castle vania, lifelike, miami horror, one hand loves the other, the beeb blog, treasure fingers
Posted by
The Beeb
Monday, June 09, 2008
Labels: bishi, britian, dreamtrack, m.i.a., mia, patrick wolf, uk
Posted by
The Beeb
Monday, June 09, 2008
Labels: Buffetlibre, Mixtape, the buffet libre djs, Verbena Selected Session
Posted by
The Beeb
Sunday, June 01, 2008
Labels: are you the one?, car commericals, dance, dj set, download, electro, france, free, french, indie, lifelike, mix, remix, the presets
Posted by
The Beeb
Sunday, June 01, 2008
Labels: Clash The Disko Kids, dance, Deaf Tones, electronic, indie, Mixtape