Tuesday, September 9

Excuse Our Slumber! The Beeb Blog's RETRO REPOST:

We have been on vaycahcah, and major slack. Sorry!

But see, here in Germany, --theres no such thing as customer service when it comes to anything important. It takes a month for the netz (give or take a week they say). We have been without the precious Innanetz for Eons now, but finally have takeoff!

But since we've been in our coma, we thought we would share this gem with you to zest things right back up.

What happens when you over produce the guy from Human League?! You get "Together In Electric Dreams". Featured on the Never Ending Story Soundtrack, no less.

Don't be ashamed of it. Enjoy!

Phil Oakley & Gorgio Moroder - "Together In Electric Dreams" (YSI)

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