Wednesday, July 30

RETRO REPOST: Ozzy Osbourne - Bark At The Moon

We just finished watching Decline Of the Western Civilization Part II again, and we were reminded of this little Ozzy gem from way back in his days of glory. We could watch Ozzy try and pour orange juice all day and we would be happy.

Anyway, the effects and lighting in this video are visually stunning. Do you like mad scientists? Do you like werewolves? Maybe you like camera strobing.

No matter, feast your eyes upon the magnificent Metal video classic, and the really high-end quality version of it above we've provided for you above.


Catch an excerpt from DOTWC Part II below, where Chris Holmes of WASP shows us why he's one hot bitch.

...NO, this isn't home video our weekend -- I know that's what you're thinking, shut it!

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