Wednesday, February 27

Sinéad Can't Get You Out Of Her Shaved Head

One of our favorite dykons is probably Sinéad. We love that her look suites her name kinda, and we also loved G.I. Jane. She's amazing, and really is truly coming into her angry self as she matures its seems.

Recently Sinéad is talking up a storm, and is taking issue with Australian popstar Kylie Minogue. (VIA Splash News):
"But photographers' lenses aren't the only thing annoying Sinead these days. She's got a bone to pick with Kylie Minogue, whose music she describes as "unlistenable." The Irish singer said, "I know Australian fans might want to shoot me for saying this, but that would be a far better option than to listen to one of her albums."
This just doesn't make any sense to us. We never saw this coming and we think about Sinéad O'Connor alot. We thought butch chicks were into stuff like Kylie Minogue. On the L Word it always works to your advantage if you look like Kylie and have the longer hair.... and you show up at a hip cafe to perform randomly one night.

And I'm sure Kylie is into condoms too, Sinéad. She's not the Pope OK, if thats what you were getting at! She's not dead. She still has feelings.

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